Hamedan carpet, left here, driven from there!

Are non-native carpets woven in Hamedan? – Is the weaving of carpets of other cities common? – Why are carpets woven in other cities in Hamedan? – Does this affect the body of this original product? And Qom does not have? – ……

Hamedan carpet flowers are about to be imprisoned in a photo frame and guests of eastern and western museums while still Once in the weft of the flower garden, my spring song begins, but the name and address of the carpet are not from Hamedan, so we set out to find answers to the questions. In the meantime, we are faced with two approaches.

First, the carpet of Hamedan or any other city is a summary of the culture and tradition of that country, and if this carpet is not woven in the same region by a local weaver, it is so-called fake and an irreparable blow will be inflicted on this industrial art product. ...

Secondly, carpet is a capital and market-dependent commodity, meaning that it is woven according to the taste of the market and whatever is attractive so that the weaver does not become unemployed and employment is not lost. At this stage, it must be proven that carpets such as Qom, Tabriz, Kashan and Zanjan are woven in Hamedan, maybe even more than Hamedan carpets!

In Hamedan, the weaver is not important

We go to the workshop owners and producers to see what is going on in their workshops and what is the plan, Zahra Rahmani is the manager of the carpet weaving workshop with years of experience; She employs 15 weavers in the workshop and 12 in the house.

Ms. Rahmani talks about the management of the workshop and the type of its weavings: We have been working with Tabriz for 10 years. The working conditions are the same whether it is Hamedan or Tabriz. We are just weavers, but the important thing is that they are happy to pay their wages. We deliver the woven carpets and transfer them to Tabriz.

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